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Community / support / Media backup: Reset and Match?
How exactly are the Reset and Match buttons under Media Backup intended to work? I thought I understood, but the way it's working now has me doubting my interpretation. I have run Media Backup and it had uploaded everything from my selected folders. I thought I'd do a double check by clicking "Reset" to reset my stats, and then "Match" to populate the stats again with everything that is on the s3 service. Unfortunately, when I clicked Match, it returned very fast saying nothing was found, and upload has restarted. I'm currently at approx 1000 of over 6000, but I've got several errors of the type "Could not backup xxx out of yyy files" which leads me to believe it's actually uploading files again, rather than simply verifying the content that's there. This was not what I expected. Did Match fail for some unknown reason? I tried several times. Or does clicking Reset really mean everything must be uploaded again?
I just received the update to android app v1.8.1, and I saw there was a change regarding media backup and existing files. Now nothing is showing up in the transfers tab, and I'm not getting any more errors. It's almost halfway already, so it looks like things will be OK after a wait. But I'm still wondering what the "Match" button is meant to do.
Hi, Match functionality is supposed to match your existing media in the Automatic Uploads folder. If used with Reset, technically it could be used to verify if files were uploaded. We’ve been overhauling Media Backup functionality in a couple past releases. It does seem that in your case, Match can’t find existing files for some reason. Can you let me know what’s your phone model and Android version? Do you use custom auto-upload path?
If you could also provide what's your S3 provider, that might help us to rule out couple potential issues.
Thanks. I use backblaze b2. Samsung galaxy s22, android 14. I use default auto-upload path
Hi @kefir, We've identified issue with Match function not finding "Automatic upload" location if E2E encryption was enabled. As a result it was always telling that no photos were uploaded and had to start from scratch. This is now fixed in the 1.9.2 version. Please let me know if this solves the Match problem.
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